February 1, 2024 admin



In today’s digital age, where consumers are constantly bombarded with messages from various brands, standing out and reaching your target audience can be a challenging task. This is where INGRAINED Creative comes in. Our comprehensive range of services – video production, photography, augmented reality (AR), and content strategy – has helped many brands reach further with their audience through engaging and impactful content.

"Reaching out to your audience for better engagement and conversions. "

Every marketing person ... ever

Video Production: Video is an excellent way to connect with your target audience on a deeper level. INGRAINED Creative offers high-quality video production services that capture the attention of viewers and leave a lasting impression. Our team of experienced videographers, writers, and editors work closely with clients to understand their brand and audience, creating videos that resonate with them emotionally and intellectually. We also provide distribution strategies to ensure maximum reach for your videos through various online platforms.

For instance, we recently worked with a B2B software company that wanted us to produce a promotional video for their product. Our videographers captured stunning visuals and our editors added music and motion graphics to make the video more engaging. We also provided an effective distribution strategy that involved promoting the video on various social media platforms, resulting in significant views and leads.

Creative Solutions And Results That Grow Brands

Photography: Visual content is crucial in today’s digital age, where consumers prefer to consume visual information over text. INGRAINED Creative provides high-quality photography services that help brands reach further with their audience by capturing stunning product shots, headshots for executives, and lifestyle images that tell a brand’s story. We also provide distribution strategies to ensure maximum visibility through various online platforms, including social media, websites, and email marketing campaigns.

Recently, we worked with a luxury fashion brand to shoot their latest collection. Our photographers captured the intricate details of each garment, showcasing the craftsmanship and quality that sets this brand apart from its competitors. We also provided an effective distribution strategy that involved sharing the images on various social media platforms, resulting in significant engagement and sales.

Augmented Reality: Augmented reality (AR) is a cutting-edge technology that allows brands to provide immersive experiences to their audiences. INGRAINED Creative offers AR services that enable brands to reach further with their audience by creating interactive and engaging content for their customers. Our team of AR developers, designers, and strategists work with clients to understand their objectives, creating AR experiences that align with the brand’s message and values. From AR product demos to AR branded games, we provide a range of AR services that help brands reach further with their audience.

One of our most successful AR projects involved working with a beauty brand to create an AR makeup try-on app. Our developers created an immersive AR experience that allowed users to try on different shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and blush in real-time. The app also included virtual mirrors that showed the user how they would look wearing the makeup. This app helped the brand reach further with its audience by providing a unique and engaging experience that resonated with their target customers.

Content Marketing Strategy: Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and sharing valuable content that attracts and engages a target audience. INGRAINED Creative offers content marketing strategy services that help brands reach further with their audience by creating a roadmap for their content marketing efforts. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their unique needs and deliver results through effective distribution strategies.

For example, we recently helped a client increase its online visibility by creating a blog post series on industry trends. Our writers researched the latest developments in the client’s industry and created informative articles that resonated with their target audience emotionally and intellectually. We also provided an effective distribution strategy that involved promoting the posts on various social media platforms, resulting in significant views and leads.

WRAP IT UP, INGRAINED Creative offers a range of services that help brands reach further with their audience through engaging and impactful content. Whether it’s video production, photography, augmented reality, or content marketing strategy, our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their unique needs and deliver results through effective distribution strategies. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your brand reach further with your audience!

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